शुक्रवार, 17 मई 2013

the secret language of spot fixing decoded

New Delhi: The recent arrest of S Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and Ankit Chavan has opened a Pandora’s Box of cricketers, bookies and fixers. While match-fixing has existed for a long time, spot-fixing is a recent phenomenon. Its existence has been attributed to Twenty20 cricket, whose vulnerable format is susceptible to spot-fixing.

Spot-fixing is different from match-fixing since it involves ‘fixing’ singular, isolated events rather than the entire match. Fixers don’t need the entire team on board; they can make do with one or two players. This makes detection of spot fixing particularly difficult but not impossible.

Like poker players, spot-fixers have a ‘tell’ or a sign that gives them away. The entire 40000 crore fixing syndicate has been revealed. The modus-operandi is quite simple. The sportsman in question will give a sign about the way he’s going to play the game and the fixer will place the bet.

Click next to see the secret language of spot fixing decoded
Tying shoelaces

When a bowler is about to bowl an easy ball, he will bend to tie his shoelaces. Depending upon the batsman, the fixer will place a bet on a four or a six

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